Spontaneous outbursts. Dead-on impressions. And random celebrity factoids.
Pablo Francisco, a comedian, actor and impressionist, is all things pop culture. Ask him about "The Governator." His impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a tortilla vendor alone is probably worth the price of admission.
if you go
Where: Omahas Funny Bone Comedy Club, 17305 Davenport St.
Showtimes: 7:30 p.m. Thursday: 7:30 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. Friday; 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Saturday and 7 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets: $25.
Information: funnyboneomaha.com
Arnold isn't the only guy who gets picked on, though. Francisco has a hit list: Jackie Chan, Keanu Reeves and Michael J. Fox. Oh, and the movie preview guy. You know, (in deep voice) "In theaters this summer . . ."
His follow-up to the Comedy Central special "OUCH!" is due out later this year. Francisco has also appeared on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," "Mad TV," "Frank TV," "Family Guy" and Howard Stern's radio show. This weekend, he brings his act to Omaha's Funny Bone Comedy Club.
We asked him to dish his thoughts on this week's tabloid headlines. Here's what he had to say:
Q. Your Arnold impression has always been a favorite. Now that we've discovered the former governor's Latino love child how has that changed your sketch?
A. A lot of people do Arnold impersonations, but I do him a little differently. Some people think he's a scum bag. Some like him. In my business, I like to create characters surrounding him. In Latino culture, we always take the women's side. A woman will always be the heroine. After hearing about the love-child scandal, I came up with a Latina character to find the humor in all of this. (In a woman's voice) "Ooh, girl. I'm no home wrecker. I'll leave. I'll leave. "
Q. Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are BFFs again. An insider told a tabloid "They both feel screwed over by Hollywood and their older friends." Thoughts?
A. Lohan, of course. Everyone makes mistakes. There are shows out there like TMZ that keep knocking her from their so-called studio. If you're going to talk about them, then come up with a solution. The same goes for Charlie Sheen. What do you want to do? Arrest him? Who cares what they're eating?
Q. JLo and Marc Anthony have split. Lopez told "Vanity Fair" in its September issue that her self-respect and the need to be treated properly were the reasons she left. Thoughts?
A. It's always the woman who gets hurt. I wasn't surprised, though. JLo, you can tell she's a good person. She has the typical Latina-girl-who-can-dance-and-is-hot story. When Marc Anthony broke it off, she was devastated. But she shouldn't be. Go back with (Ben) Affleck or Sean Puffy Combs. A lot of men are liars. It's always the women that hurt.
Q. A couple weeks ago, Nicki Minaj had a wardrobe malfunction during her live performance on ABC's "Good Morning America." Khloe Kardashian and Janet Jackson have also had them. Predictions?
A. Those things do happen accidently. The person who took the picture and exposed it. . . That's the moron. Speaking of Kardashians, they over-glorify that family. Did you see the YouTube clip of Kim Kardashian at the Prince concert at Madison Square Garden. He asked her up on stage to help him dance but she froze. So he told her to "Get off the stage." You've got to watch it.
Q. OK, be honest. Do you watch MTV's "Jersey Shore" and what do you think of its cast?
A. (In his best movie preview guy voice) After having sex with them, they're going to turn against you. Yes, you know it's fake. But watch out, they'll stab you in the back." It's a great show. I like the guys on it, they're funny.
Contact the writer:
402-444-1075, j.loza@owh.com
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