Lindsay Lohan was caught with htoel owner Vikram Chatwai's apartment kissing her in between what looks like the both of them snorting coke together. The story gets better because, turns out the guy is married with kids. Page Six:
A source told us, Lindsay had been staying at Vikrams house and even installed her hairdresser in the babys room, but was told to leave before his wife arrived from India with the child a few days ago. His father, Sant Singh, has tried to order Lindsay out numerous times.
Lindsay found out Vikram was hosting a dinner at the Dream, and turned up with a friend at the hotels Electric Room, waiting for him, the source said. Thats when the trouble started. Priya was very dignified, but Lindsay was so rude. She acted as if shed had no idea Vikram was married, and tried to make it clear that Vikram was her friend. Others had to step in to calm things down.
Lindsay found out Vikram was hosting a dinner at the Dream, and turned up with a friend at the hotels Electric Room, waiting for him, the source said. Thats when the trouble started. Priya was very dignified, but Lindsay was so rude. She acted as if shed had no idea Vikram was married, and tried to make it clear that Vikram was her friend. Others had to step in to calm things down.
So she's moved on from stealing necklaces, now she's stealing husbands!

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