Thursday, November 11, 2010

Defying Gravity

You know in the movies when the main girl character is just fed up with everything and all at once just bursts out and yells at the other character, lets say her boss, that's been taunting her and she's just been taking it over and over and over?

I imagined playing that scene out in my head today several times and then screaming "I QUIT!" and storming out of the fictitious office... It's one thing to assign me work that no one else in the office wants to do, but to  taunt me while I'm doing it just creeps up my skin. I already want to shoot myself in the face- you should be encouraging me. Whatever.

I was assigned to work in the financial accounts department today, which has different scenery than the room I've been in for the past two weeks. For example, there were binders on my desk. It was SUCH a nice place (kidding). In all honesty, I was excited to move around and meet new people and was totally fine with the work I was assigned until my "advisor" came over and started laughing about what the other guy gave me to do. She just kept saying "Haha, I remember when I was an intern. You gotta start somewhere! Wow, that work sucks." Seriously? Seriously. Taunt me more.

ANYWAY, the guy let me go at 5:20 but I had to grab the other two interns so I asked if it was okay to leave and she gave me a dirty look. Now, it would be kind of understandable to get pissed if I was actually on your payroll but NEWSFLASH! I'm working as your slave for free. Ten minutes will not stop time, will not kill you, and will not destroy the earth as we know it. Thanks.

So I left the office and RUSHED home because I went to go see wicked with Genna and her friend that's visiting, Katie. The show was unbelievable! Oh man, I still can't get over it. The Elphaba, dare I say it, did a better job singing Defying Gravity than Idina Menzel. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Idina, but this girl was phenomenal. I was so happy to see a theater (theatre) show in London because London is KNOWN for it's theater. Granted, it was an American show but all of the actors were either Scottish, English or Irish and I loved hearing the accents. Bock (Boch?) was Scottish, and it was absolutely perfect. So perfect, in fact, that every time he opened his mouth I nudged Genna and told her how absolutely perfect it was.



Alright, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is Friday which means the next day is Saturday which means I'll be in OXFORD with Dave! SO EXCITED. I've been dying to go since I got to London and now I'm finally going. PLUS, my big, Jeff (miss you!) keeps telling me how much Harry Potter scenery is taken from the city so I think it will be a nice precursor to seeing the movie in London when it comes out!

